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about our Clinic

More than 20 years of experience

Dr. Bimal Kumar Mandal is one of best ENT surgeon in Kolkata with vast experience in most critical Head-Neck cancer surgery and most efficient surgeon for rhinoplasty (Nasar-cosmetic surgery) with very good success rate. He is an excellent undergraduate and postgraduate teacher in ENT and Head-Neck Surgery, The W.B. University of Health-Sciences. One of the finest eminent ENT and Head-Neck surgeon in Bengal with beautiful enervative technique of various recent advance technological and instrumental operations.

Dr. Bimal Kumar Mandal is a very much dedicated and eminent ENT doctor and Head-Neck surgeon and beautiful Thyroid surgeon in India. He has vast experience in advance neck cancer surgery and advance endoscopic and microscopic surgery.

It is an one of the best solo ENT clinic in Kolkata. Our chief cosultant associate professor Dr. Bimal Kumar Mandal provides revularionay treatment for Sensory neural hearing loss,(Nerve deafness) and Tinnitus.Allergy and Asthma immunotherapy done here.

best ent specialist in kolkata

Dr. Bimal Kumar Mandal(M.B.B.S (CAL))

Director of RD ENT CENTRE
MS (ENT and Head-Neck Surgery)
Associate Professor in ENT and Head-Neck Surgery
Specialization in
1.Rhinoplasty, 2.FESS, 3.Endoscopic Nasal Surgery
4.Micro-Ear Surgery, 5.Skull Base Surgery, 6.Head-Neck Cancer Surgery
7.Thyroid Surgery, 8.Head-Neck Surgery

Our best ENT doctor is always available for your help


Mail Address: info@rdentcentre.in

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